No need to wait for stock to arrive in the country – check out our range of in-stock specials available now.
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$87,900.00 + GST
Optimum output from minimum effort—let these discs take care of everything: Innovative speed...
Find out more$12,500.00 + GST
The user-friendly mechanical and electric metering airseeder, ideal for a range seeding or...
Find out more$69,900.00 + GST
High work rates and high performance. The FarmChief PowerPro Power Harrow range reflects 50...
Find out more$15,900.00 + GST
FarmChief Grader blades are the unsung heroes of the farm. They’re waiting patiently there to...
Find out more$71,900.00 + GST
FarmChief Rollmax Rollers provide the variety and versatility that many large-scale farmers or...
Find out more$1,895.00 + GST
Hands down, the handiest thing to have on a farm. This double function front loader attachment...
Find out more$59,900.00 + GST
Fertiliser where you need it, when you need it, without the hassle, with the added capacity to...
Find out more$37,950.00 + GST
The PNEUMATICSTAR is designed for grassland care, seeding, under- and reseeding. The seeding...
Find out more$37,500.00 + GST
The appropriately named Xact range, manufactured in Europe, delivers precision planting, and...
Find out more$9,900.00 + GST
It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it! The FarmChief dual-direction muck scraper is...
Find out more$3,590.00 + GST
If it was possible to get excited about moving bales, this would be the moment. These strong,...
Find out more$76,900.00 + GST
This tried, true, and gold award winning, dual muck spreader implement is perfectly in-tune with...
Find out more$9,990.00 + GST
FarmChief Grader blades are the unsung heroes of the farm. They’re waiting patiently there to...
Find out more$19,500.00 + GST
The FarmChief RSR fixed-width cultivation rollers are a proven implement that have stood the...
Find out more$46,900.00 + GST
The FarmChief RSR fixed-width cultivation rollers are a proven implement that have stood the...
Find out more$29,900.00 + GST
Used for primary and secondary cultivation, Express Plus Speed Discs are unequalled in...
Find out more$44,500.00 + GST
Achieve the seedbed of your dreams with a brand new FarmChief Power Harrow – save now by...
Find out more$14,900.00 + GST
These rippers are invaluable for improving poor drainage, compacted soil and hard pans (under...
Find out more$52,900.00 + GST
Paddock compaction is not ideal after winter feeding out, this express-pro pollibar ripper is...
Find out more$17,900.00 + GST
Paddock compaction is not ideal after winter feeding out, this express-pro pollibar ripper is...
Find out more$17,900.00 + GST
One of the biggest costs to your umbilical system is the hoses – ensuring the safe storage,...
Find out more$37,900.00 + GST
The SSDR is your heavy-duty deep ripper, designed to work up to 600mm deep with the larger...
Find out more$19,900.00 + GST
These heavy duty mulchers can be used wherever you need vegetation cut down to size. Our clients...
Find out more$59,900.00 + GST
The Conveyair grain vac is designed, and engineered, not only to maximise the value of your...
Find out more$79,900.00 + GST
FarmChief’s Quivogne primary cultivation discs can tackle tough country. Chewing up virgin...
Find out more$23,900.00 + GST
These heavy duty mulchers can be used wherever you need vegetation cut down to size. Our clients...
Find out more$96,900.00 + GST
ExpressPlus Speed Discs are unequalled in performance after winter feed, for stubble...
Find out more$34,750.00 + GST
Ideal for arable drilling in trash and achieving an even seed depth.
Find out more$95,900.00 + GST
Time efficient, easy to operate, and compact, these FarmChiefs’ range of premium...
Find out more$99,750.00 + GST
The Blackbear trailed tine cultivator ensures the best working results in the field. Ideal for...
Find out more$17,500.00 + GST
The Kestrel is designed for the large-scale farmers looking to extend their capacity, pump herd...
Find out moreWe have a machine for every need – contact us to find out how we can help.